Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A persistent cold has made me feel extremely un-photographable lately so here is another Europe image. In Germany a group of us girl bought traditional German costumes to wear to Octoberfest (one of the funnest nights of my life). Needless to say, I was in love with mine.


wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Well hey..

Have been a little busy lately with work, uni and dance commitments and am feeling a little all over the place clothing wise so have not photographed any outfits. Will try to get into the swing of it again soon. Just for some visual stimulus, here is a photo from my trip to Europe.

a beret under the eiffel tower, what else? a frenchman actually
complimented me on this outfit :)

wishiweraudrey xoxo

Monday, August 1, 2011

School Daze

This is what I wore to uni on what started out as a sunny but finished up as a slightly chilly day. Though I suppose this is Melbourne we are talking about, so I should just say a normal day. The glasses are just for reading as I was attempting to study but ended up on the internet instead. Oops.

dress: local op shop, top: target, beret: ebay,
belt: came with another dress

I wear this belt so often the elastic is
starting to loosen, to be fair it is pretty amazing

This necklace was a christmas gift from the boys brother's girlfriend (now
fiancee), from memory it's from Oh Dear and is slightly awesome

wishiwereaudrey xoxo