Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crazy Town

So life is always crazy, but it feels a little crazier than usual at the moment. I just finished two essays and have another mountain of uni work threatening to collapse on top of me. And the fact that it's nearly easter as well just seems rude.

But all work and no play is no way to live. Friday night my mum, my sister and I stayed at Crown Casino in Melbourne to celebrate my sister's 18th birthday. It was amazing fun and the next day we took a detour on the way home to a massive vintage sale in Collingwood. While we were there they started slashing prices - two dresses for $10, ah thank you! I came away with four dresses, three tops and a jumpsuit for a measly $40. Only one dress is a little small, but I have a friend I think will love it.

Earlier in the week I'd hit up Retro Star for a dress for the occasion. While at the register I spotted these tortoise and the hare ear rings. How could I leave them behind.


Photobucket is not playing nicely, so photos of my other (numerous) purchases this week will have to wait.

Alice xx

Tuesday, March 27, 2012



Be right back, manically trying to finish an essay before the weekend.

Alice xx

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Girl on fire

This is what I wore to see The Hunger Games on Saturday. I thought a red dress was fitting, but not over the top obsessive fan girling. I found this mink pink dress brand new with tags for just $10 (the original tag read $80).

dress: mink pink via op shop, coat: dangerfield, belt: another dress, shoes: op shop

Now why couldn't all movies adapted from books I love be like that. Minor adjustments that really add to your understanding as a viewer not a reader, character features like hair colour and clothing style adhered to and beautiful casting. Except for Donald Sutherland, even as an evil person I just can't help but like Donald Sutherland.

Also, today is my sister's eighteenth birthday. A scary thought, though it's only going to get scarier as my other two sisters hit the milestone.


Alice xx

Friday, March 23, 2012

Uni wear

Just a little outfit post of what I wore to uni yesterday. I have to run and get ready to see The Hunger Games, that should really be all capital letters because I'm very excited!

dress: asos, jacket: op shop, scarf: friends of couture, boots: rivers

Alice xx

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bring on the chill

Hurray, the cold weather is finally upon us. I realise wet weather as chilly breezes wouldn't be high on many peoples lists of what a perfect day might be, but I'm excited to layer up, snuggle up and drink piping hot tea for the next few months. And being Melbourne, there will probably be some obnoxiously sunny days mixed in with the clouds anyway.

dress: cotton on, jacket: levi's, belt: another dress, scarf: op shop,
tights: my mum?, boots: rivers, beret: vintage via eBay





I'm loving the shed wall as a photo backdrop. And it may become more necessary as the grass gets soggier. Yesterday wasn't quite so cold, so I got away with my cropped jacket paired with the scarf I scored recently for just $2.

Alice xx

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tartan Hights

I bought these shorts on eBay for a song and I love them. I love the silhouette they give, I love how comfy they are and I think the pattern is fun. Reece hates them. This doesn't really phase me and I wore them to uni yesterday with great success. Sometimes it's nice not to worry about my dress creeping up under my backpack.


shorts: eBay, boots: Rivers, cardigan: Living Doll, top: op shop


I realise this outfit toes the border in terms of clashing prints, but somehow it work in my eyes.
Oh, and it looks like I'm checking myself out in the first two photos, I need to get better at this sizing business.

Alice xx

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Smooth Moves

I've become a little addicted to smoothies lately. My go-to blend is nothing special. Just a banana, a handful of strawberries, some natural yoghurt, a slosh of milk and a generous squeeze of honey.




Simple but oh so yummy, a nice energy boost when I'm studying.

Alice xx

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gum Nut

This dress has a bit of an Australiana feel to it, with the little gum nuts. It reminds me of the May Gibbs illustrations and books, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. I don't wear it often because it's a little tricky to style and it's a little tight around my arms.

dress: vintage via retro star, vest: vintage, shoes: target





The sunny weather persists. All I want to do is snuggle up in layers, though I suppose I should try to enjoy it while it lasts.

Alice xx

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Meet Mick

Allow me to introduce Mick. He is Reece's dog. They're best mates. He was found on the street years ago and had developed issues in first one eye and then the other. They both had to be removed. He's starting to get on bit, but he gets around fine and has a really good quality of life. He's an all around mad dog.




He's also an easy animal to get photos of because he just chills and doesn't try to head butt the camera. I tend to prefer larger dogs, but Mick's pretty awesome.

Alice xx

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patty

Happy St Patricks day to those who are still living it. After working in the morning, Reece and I went to my parents for dinner. We watched the 4 hour extended version of Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring. I love my family.

dress: asos, shoes: vintage via op shop, hat: H&M(Florence),
cardigan: Living Doll via local boutique



This dress was sitting in my saved box on asos until it timed out. Happily, it was a part of one of their one day sales and I snapped it up. My orders are no longer shipped via Aruba so it was in my hot little hands quite speedily.

Alice xx

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Around a month and a half from now Reece and I will be heading off for a weekend escape to celebrate four years together. To say I'm looking forward to it would be more than an understatement. But just look at the place we've booked, would you not be excited?





all images from here

Alice xx

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Face Off

The majority of my time lately has been spent at uni, studying for uni and procrastinating. In the art of procrastination, I must admit I'm a bit of master. In way of demonstration here are a number of photo booth photos I've taken when I was supposed to be studying.



ft. carrot


Things to note: that green jumper was indeed a good buy, I need better study posture, that pimple has been sneaking up for a while.

Thank you for playing.

Alice xx

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Autumn Rays

I have a theory that the more apprehensive you are about an outfit as you put it together, the better it will turn out in the end. I always struggle with this top I bought a good year or more ago, but I think I've finally gotten it right. I'm going to call it casual-classic-contemprary-edwardian style, the edwardian comes from the insanely puffy sleeves.

top: vintage via op shop, jeans: jay jays,
belt: via another dress, pussy bow: via another dress



Any attempt I make at cute-smirky-smiles always seems to translate to uncomfortable grimaces in the actual photo. The option of smile coaching not within my reach, I think it's a burden I shall have to bear.

And what's with these sweet, sunny Autumn days? My thoughts will no doubt change in a few months, but I'm dying for proper cold drizzly weather. I just want to wear ALL the knits ALL the time.

Alice xx

Friday, March 9, 2012

Date Night

For the first time in a while Reece and I headed out to dinner, just the two of us. I pulled out my Friends of Couture dress and spruced up my make up for the occasion.

dress: Friends of Couture, shoes: vintage via op shop, pearls: heirlooms

I've been branching out and fiddling with my camera settings and am really pleased with the results I've been getting.




Alice xx

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Forest Creature

To say this jumper was a good buy would probably be an understatement. I nabbed it for $3.20 in my Savers haul on Sunday and have worn it everyday since. My deer print dress finally arrived from asos (via Aruba for the second time in a row) so naturally I wore the two together for uni today.

dress: asos, jumper: savers, tights: who knows?, brooch: childhood



I've had this brooch for as long as I can remember, I'll have to quiz Mum as to it's origin.


Oh, and painting your nails like a 12 year old is slightly addictive...


wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saver Sunday

This morning Reece and I headed to a couple of local markets. Reece was on the look out for a bike for a client and I just love markets in general. However we found little to get excited about as most people were packing up because of the rain or hadn't come out at all. Luckily we also hit up our local Savers store where I scored a bunch of cloths for just $15 all up with my student discount.

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a houndstooth pattern to add to my growing collection of high-wasited skirts

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this rich colour will be perfect for the cooler months

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i can't resist a deep green knit

hat brooch anyone?

I also signed up for a club card while I was there, so hopefully my Savers visits will be on the rise.

wishiwereaudrey xoxo